Stories for Sermons

Since the beginning of time, stories have been the most effective way of making a point. Add a story to your sermon to ensure your message is received.

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What is loveA group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, 'What does lov... more>>>4 shiney stars
A Philosophy From Mister Schultz..Creator Of CharlThe following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz , the creator of the 'Peanuts' comic strip.... more>>>3.5 shiney stars
The Story of the Lifesaving Station... more>>>4 shiney stars
Don't give up Consider these facts: During its first year, Coca-Cola only sold 400 bottles of... more>>>4 shiney stars
Tightrope Walker - Faith vs Belief... more>>>0 shiney stars

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